FarmaTrust Graphics Competition Brief and Rules

What we would love to see included in the graphics you produce…
    1.    The vision of FarmaTrust
    2.    An engaging Visualization of Zoi
    3.    What can be done within Zoi
    •    Eq. tracing, enhancing supply chain capabilities etc.
    •    Adopting all sorts of sensors to strengthen the system
    •    Access for NGO’s like WHO to monitor usage and escalate when required etc.

    •    Graphics Competition Closes Monday 14th May 2018
    •    Entries can be in the form of Info Graphic, Tile, Gif or Animation
    •    All entries are required to be in English
    •    All material should be original or have all rights cleared for any material used.
    •    You must tag FarmaTrust (@farmatrust) or other social media handle relevant to the publishing platform.
    •    Upload your Graphics file and make sure you send a message to us @ [email protected]
    •    Be aware that the media is used for General Audience ( no offensive material please)
    •    Be aware that all material ownership falls to FarmaTrust once it is uploaded and entered in the competition.
    •    After submitting your entry, you agree that FarmaTrust has the exclusive right to redistribute any and all portions of your work in perpetuity and FarmaTrust also reserves the right to use your entry in promotional or other materials as FarmaTrust sees fit. Also, should your entry win the competition, you agree that the winning entry will immediately become the sole and exclusive property of FarmaTrust, including copyright privileges, and you agree to forfeit any ownership and copyright claims to FarmaTrust.. This now means that FarmaTrust can legally use any portions of any graphic submitted without further permission from the entrant. It also means that the winning entry will become FarmaTrust’s property

From all of us here at FarmaTrust, we are incredibly excited to see what you can come up with. We are truly grateful for all entries and eventual winners, as you are all contributing to our overall goal of saving lives from counterfeit drugs, right across the globe…
Good Luck !!!
The Winning Criteria:
Entries will be judged by Raja, Shahnawaz, Peter and selected community moderators of FarmaTrust. FarmaTrust holds the rights to add additional qualified judges. The judging and criteria are at the absolute discretion of the judges, and in their subjective judgment.
Entries will be assessed by using the criteria below:
20% Accuracy – you have studied FarmaTrust materials (Description of the Entry should include sources used)
20% Ability to communicate the FarmaTrust strategy/product/ (how easy is it to understand and is it inspiring?)
20% Creativity and originality (be artistic!)
20% Social Media Reach (who got the most likes/shares/retweets/upvotes etc)
20% Overall Impact (Does it have a compelling call to action? Do people like it? Does your work prompt a response?)
1st Place: 5000 FTT
2nd Place: 2500 FTT
3rd-5th Place: 500 FTT each
Most Popular Reward (Largest Social Reach): 1,000 FTT
The social reach will be based upon Reddit upvotes, Twitter retweets, YouTube likes, Facebook shares, and traditional/mainstream media reach.