Cool Remote Controlled Dinosaur Toys

There are some great remote controlled dinosaur toys on the market and each are designed for different age groups.  The toddlers have the simpler versions while the older kids have the more advanced, sophisticated rc toys.

Just click on the picutre of the dinosaur that you are interested it and it will take you to more information, pricing and customer reviews.


51550TSJdAL.jpgD-Rex Interactive Dinosaur41VrPodbxPL.jpgWowwee Roboraptor41joibuDj5L.jpgMighty Megasaur Remote Control Dinosaur41MuUCqePuL.jpgRemote-Control Walking Velociraptor41bLKZGsGkL.jpgInfrared Remote Control Triceratops41HornUG%2BjL.jpgZoomer Dino51dzAB-4UcL.jpgSwitch and Go Dinos Turbo Bronco The RC Triceratops21r82hjUVQL.jpgDinosaur with Remote Control Toy21d3HLLN9IL.jpgRemote Control T-Rex Robot41ydsZNq-cL.jpgFisher Price Motorized Roaring T-Rex51GWNeIKWqL.jpgAnimal Planet T-rex Radio Control41bek1VGIhL.jpgSenario Little Interactive Dinosaur41%2BGs8nd93L.jpgRADIO CONTROL MY DINO BUDDY41Y0d7OGrwL.jpgFisher-Price Imaginext Mega T-Rex


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