Fundamentals Of Sales And Marketing

The fundamentals of sales and marketing are simple enough to understand. What we may need to help us get there is a way to know how the process works and what the processes actually are that lead up to the end results. This can be done by first understanding how it all starts. Why do people buy?

To understand this, we need to learn about the buying process and how it plays a role in the sale itself. People become buyers when they feel that they need or want something. For most people, there is a point at which this buying experience begins.

In essence, most purchases start out with a question that could easily be answered in the affirmative if asked. Therefore, we should begin with asking ourselves the question, "What do I need or want?" Once we begin to formulate this question, we need to see where it takes us.

Our problem then is that the answer might be different depending on a particular aspect of our lives. Our needs might change from time to time or even within one individual. So, what then is the process that drives our ability to buy?

Maybe we are making the purchase because a certain person or a specific product resonates with us. We might have a person or a situation that triggers our emotion or drives our needs to a more defined state. There is no one way that all buyers go about making decisions.

Nevertheless, there is a fundamental process that we should follow in our buying decision-making. The process is called, "Fulfillment." It basically means, "Whether you get what you need or you don't get what you need."

So, it would seem that if you want to make sure that you are getting exactly what you want, you need to look at this important part of the buying decision. There is a difference between having the needs and desires and actually having the needs and desires that you want. The latter is what can cause some buyers to miss out on what they want.

The needs and desires are only an important factor if you are able to satisfy them. So, if you can only find the need for something and not fulfill it, then it isn't important. The difference is only in the definition of what a buyer is looking for.

So, to satisfy a need that you have, you need to come up with a "Fulfillment" criterion that says whether or not you can deliver on the needs or desire. Then, you need to look at what you need to do to get this to happen. If you can't get the fulfillment to happen, then you haven't really satisfied the need or desire.

By using the "Fulfillment" concept, you will be able to stay focused on your needs and make sure that you don't give up on the need to buy. After all, that is what it's all about. You aren't satisfied until you are satisfied.

As long as you satisfy your needs, then you can call that satisfaction. If you don't, then you have missed out on what you wanted. So, once you find what you want, you have a very successful marketing and sales process that are helping you get what you want.

By going through this process, you can rest assured that you are meeting your needs and then also fulfilling those needs. This is an important step in the process. Whether or not you are able to satisfy the needs you have, what you do to get there is important too.