
Imagine if you could go back in time and meet the person who inspired your name. What would you ask them? Would you tell them about your life? Would you try to change the past?

I`ve been thinking a lot about my namesake lately. Iosef Georgiou Apostolikis, known as Apostolakis, was a Greek revolutionary who fought against the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century. He was a brave and charismatic leader, and his story is full of adventure and intrigue.

I`m proud to share my name with such an extraordinary man. But I also can`t help but wonder what he would think of me. Would he approve of my life choices? Would he be disappointed that I`m not following in his footsteps as a revolutionary (the army career doesnt seems to count)?

I guess I`ll never know for sure. But I like to think that he would be proud of the person I`ve become.

I`ve learned a lot from his story. He taught me the importance of fighting for what you believe in, even when the odds are against you. He also taught me the value of perseverance. No matter how many times you get knocked down, you have to keep getting back up.

I`m grateful for the legacy that he left behind. He`s an inspiration to me, and I hope that I can live up to his name.

What about you? Do you know the story of the person who inspired your name? If not, I encourage you to find out. It`s a valuable way to connect with your past and learn about your heritage!