Μεγαλη πεμπτη

It's Holy Thursday, a day filled with tradition and candles.

The morning begins with a visit to church, where the faithful gather for a special service filled with songs, prayers, and the reading of the Passion of Christ. The atmosphere is one of solemnity and reflection as people remember the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion.

In the afternoon, many people prepare dye for red eggs. The red color symbolizes the blood of Christ, and the eggs are a reminder of his resurrection. It's a fun activity for both children and adults as they gather around the kitchen table, chatting and laughing while coloring the eggs.

As the sun sets, it's time for the Epitaphios procession. A large, ornate bier is adorned with flowers and candles and carried through the streets by members of the community. The procession is accompanied by the tolling of bells and the singing of hymns, creating a moving and evocative atmosphere.

The Epitaphios is a symbol of Christ's body being taken down from the cross. It is a reminder of his suffering and death, but also of the hope of his resurrection.

The day ends with a final visit to church, where the faithful gather for a candlelit service. Each person holds a lighted candle, which represents the light of Christ in the darkness.

"May the light of Christ guide us through the darkness of this life and lead us to the eternal light of his kingdom."

Holy Thursday is a day of remembrance, reflection, and hope. It is a time to come together as a community and to celebrate the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It's a beautiful tradition that is rich in symbolism and meaning.

As the sun sets on Holy Thursday, I can't help but feel a sense of peace and joy. I am reminded of the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and I am filled with hope for the future. May the light of Christ continue to shine in my heart and guide me on my journey.