অতি উত্তেজনাপূর্ণ! ওশানগেট টাইটান হল এখনকার সবচেয়ে উন্নত ডুবোজাহাজ

Have you ever wondered how an ultra-high-tech scuba diving equipment would look like? Imagine an autonomous, 6.7-meter-long submarine made of glass and carbon fiber, able to descend up to 4000 meters into the dark abyss of the ocean.
Well, that's the OceanGate Titan, an invention by Stockton Rush, the founder of OceanGate, a company that makes submersibles that are used for scientific exploration and underwater expeditions. The submarine has a spherical acrylic pressure hull with a diameter of 1.68 meters and has been tested to depths of 4,000 meters (13,123 feet). A 5-function robotic arm is fitted to the front of the sub for manipulation and support tasks.
The Titan looks like a futuristic diving bell, with a big, round viewing window in the front that gives the three people inside a 360-degree view of the underwater world. It weighs 11,000 pounds and has a range of 200 miles. The vessel is powered by four electric motors and has a top speed of 3 knots. The submarine has a toilet, air conditioning, and a camera system that can live-stream footage to the surface.
The OceanGate Titan has been in development for 10 years, and it was recently unveiled at the Monaco Yacht Show. The submarine is expected to be used for a variety of purposes, including scientific research, ecotourism, and search and rescue operations.
Taking a tour in this magnificent submarine would be an unforgettable experience. If you are an avid diver or ocean lover, you should put this in your bucket list. Check out OceanGate's website for more details.