In the heart of bustling Kowloon City lies a small, unassuming ice house that has been serving up sweet treats to the community for over 60 years. "Kwong Wing Ice Room" may not look like much from the outside, but step inside and you'll be transported to a world of frozen delights.
The ice house is a family-run business, and the Ng family has been running the show for three generations. Mr. Ng, the current owner, is a friendly and welcoming host who takes pride in serving up delicious treats. He's always happy to chat with customers and share stories about the ice house's history.
Kwong Wing is famous for its sui yuk (water chestnut cake), a steamed dessert made with water chestnuts, sugar, and coconut milk. The sui yuk is smooth and chewy, with a slightly sweet flavor. It's the perfect dessert to cool down on a hot day.
But Kwong Wing is more than just a sui yuk shop. They also serve up a variety of other desserts, including red bean soup, green bean soup, and mango pomelo sago. And of course, they have a wide selection of ice cream and sorbet.
What makes Kwong Wing so special is its old-fashioned charm. The ice house is decorated with vintage posters and photos, and the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. It's the perfect place to take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy a sweet treat.
If you're looking for a taste of Hong Kong's culinary history, then you need to visit Kwong Wing Ice Room. It's a true Kowloon institution, and it's sure to leave you with a sweet memory.
Call to Action:
Next time you're in Kowloon City, be sure to stop by Kwong Wing Ice Room and try their famous sui yuk. You won't be disappointed!