
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a world without sound? Or without smell? For people with sensory impairments, this is a reality they live with every day.

I recently had the opportunity to experience a "sensory deprivation" float tank. I was curious to see what it would be like to be completely cut off from my senses and to see how my mind would react.

    The Experience:
  • I stepped into the tank and lowered myself into the warm, salty water. As I floated, I closed my eyes and tried to relax. At first, it was strange to be so completely cut off from my senses. I couldn't hear anything, smell anything, or feel anything except the water on my skin.
  • As I lay there, my mind started to race. I thought about all the things I was missing out on. I thought about my family and friends, the sound of my own voice, the smell of fresh-cut grass.
  • After a while, my mind started to slow down. I started to relax and enjoy the feeling of floating. I felt like I was floating in space. I felt like I was weightless. I felt like I was one with the universe.
  • I stayed in the tank for an hour. When I got out, I felt refreshed and relaxed. I had never experienced anything like it before.

      What I Learned:
    • I learned that it is possible to live without senses. People with sensory impairments find ways to adapt and overcome their challenges. They find ways to communicate, to enjoy life, and to experience the world around them.
    • I learned that it is important to appreciate our senses. We often take our senses for granted, but they are a gift. They allow us to experience the world around us in all its richness and complexity.
    • I learned that it is important to be open to new experiences. I never thought I would enjoy floating in a sensory deprivation tank, but I did. I am glad that I had the opportunity to try something new and to learn more about myself.
    • If you are ever curious about what it would be like to live without your senses, I encourage you to try a sensory deprivation float tank. It is a unique and eye-opening experience.