李柱銘 Why He's Still Fighting for Hong Kong

Every time I see Martin Lee speak, I'm struck by his passion for Hong Kong. He's a man who has dedicated his life to fighting for democracy and human rights in his city, and he shows no signs of slowing down any time soon.
I had the privilege of meeting Martin Lee a few years ago, and I was immediately impressed by his intelligence, wit, and determination. He's a charismatic speaker who knows how to connect with his audience on an emotional level. He inspires hope even in the darkest of times.
Martin Lee was born in Hong Kong in 1938. His father was a prominent barrister, and his mother was a nurse. He was educated at St. Joseph's College and the University of Hong Kong. After graduating from law school, he worked as a barrister in Hong Kong and England.
In 1985, Martin Lee co-founded the Democratic Party, which became the first organized and outspoken opposition party in Hong Kong. He was elected to the Hong Kong Legislative Council in 1989, and he served as chairman of the Democratic Party from 1990 to 2002.
Martin Lee has always been a strong advocate for democracy and human rights in Hong Kong. He was a vocal critic of the Chinese government's crackdown on the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989. He has also been a leading figure in the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, and he was a key figure in the city's transition from British to Chinese rule in 1997.
In 2015, Martin Lee was arrested and charged with organizing an unauthorized assembly in connection with the Occupy Central protests. He was found guilty and sentenced to 11 months in prison. He was released on bail pending an appeal, but he could still face a lengthy prison sentence.
Despite the risks, Martin Lee has vowed to continue fighting for democracy and human rights in Hong Kong. He is an inspiration to all who believe in the power of nonviolent resistance.
Here are some of Martin Lee's most famous quotes:
"Democracy is not a gift from heaven. It is a plant that has to be nurtured and watered with sweat and tears."
"We must never give up hope. Even in the darkest of times, we must never stop believing that a better future is possible."
"Hong Kong is my home, and I will fight for it until my dying breath."
Martin Lee is a true hero, and he deserves our support. We must all stand up for democracy and human rights in Hong Kong.
If you are interested in learning more about Martin Lee, I encourage you to read his book, "The Struggle for Democracy in Hong Kong." You can also follow him on Twitter @MartinLeeChuMing.