
As the rain falls gently on this Qingming festival, it washes away not only the dust but also the sorrows and regrets of the past year. For it is a time to remember our loved ones who have passed on, to honor their memory, and to find solace in their absence.
I remember vividly the first Qingming after my grandmother passed away. I was only a child then, but I can still recall the sadness that permeated our home. My parents were both at work, and I was left alone with my younger brother. We sat in the living room, staring out the window at the rain, feeling lost and alone.
Suddenly, I had an idea. I got up and went to my grandmother's room. I opened her closet and found her favorite dress, the one she always wore on special occasions. I took it out and held it against my body. It was too big for me, of course, but it still gave me a sense of comfort.
I sat down on the bed with the dress in my lap and closed my eyes. I could almost feel my grandmother's presence beside me. I could hear her voice, soft and gentle, telling me that everything would be okay.
I don't know how long I sat there, but when I opened my eyes, the rain had stopped. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. I felt a sense of peace that I had not felt since my grandmother's passing.
I knew that my grandmother was always with me, in my heart. And I knew that I would never forget her.
Qingming is a time for reflection, a time to remember those who have come before us and to appreciate the fragility of life. It is a time to let go of the past and to embrace the future. And it is a time to find comfort in the love of those who are still with us.
As the rain continues to fall, I take a deep breath and let go of the sorrows of the past. I focus on the present moment, on the love and joy that surrounds me. And I know that my grandmother is always with me, watching over me and guiding me on my journey.