背著善宰跑: A Whimsical Journey of Love and Obligation

Imagine running a marathon with a heavy backpack weighing you down. That's how I felt in my relationship. I was carrying the weight of my partner's expectations, fears, and unfulfilled dreams.
I met 善宰 (Seon-Jae) at a local running club. He was a talented runner, always pushing his limits and setting new goals. As we spent more time together, I admired his drive and determination. But I also noticed a hint of sadness in his eyes.
Seon-Jae revealed that he had always dreamed of running a marathon, but his father had forbidden him from pursuing it. His father believed that running was a waste of time and that Seon-Jae should focus on his studies instead.
I was heartbroken for Seon-Jae. I knew how much this dream meant to him, and I couldn't bear to see him give it up. So, I made a promise to myself: I would help him achieve his goal.
At first, I tried to reason with his father. But he was adamant in his decision. So, I devised a plan. I would run the marathon with Seon-Jae, carrying a backpack filled with all the things his father had forbidden him from pursuing.
I packed the backpack with books, music, and photos of his family. I also included a small figurine of a running shoe, a symbol of Seon-Jae's unfulfilled dream.
On the morning of the marathon, we stood at the starting line. Seon-Jae looked nervous, but determined. I took a deep breath and hoisted the backpack onto my shoulders. It was heavy, but I knew it was worth it.
As we ran, the backpack became a physical manifestation of all the weight Seon-Jae had been carrying. I could feel his pain and frustration with every step I took.
But there was also a sense of liberation. With each stride, we were defying Seon-Jae's father's expectations. We were taking control of our own lives and forging our own paths.
When we finally crossed the finish line, tears of joy and relief streamed down Seon-Jae's face. He had achieved his dream, and I had helped him carry the burden that had been weighing him down.
From that day forward, our relationship changed. We no longer felt the weight of unfulfilled expectations. Instead, we embraced the freedom of being true to ourselves.
Reflecting on this experience, I realized that sometimes the greatest act of love is to carry the burdens of those we care about. By sharing their pain and helping them achieve their dreams, we can create a path to healing and liberation.