

Kwan, which means "fake" in Cantonese, has long been a slang term in Hong Kong to describe things that are not genuine. "試當真" (pronounced "shee dong jan") takes the word "kwan" and ironically turns it into a slogan that means "be genuine" or "be authentic." It is an exhortation to be true to oneself and not to be afraid to show one's true colors.

阿康 is a fictional character created by the Hong Kong creative collective "試當真 Trial & Error." He is a timid and awkward young man, but he has a heart of gold. His catchphrase, "試當真阿康," is a reminder to be genuine and not to be afraid to be oneself.

The Importance of Being Genuine

In a world where it is increasingly easy to put on a facade, it is more important than ever to be genuine. When we are genuine, we are able to connect with others on a deeper level. We are also able to be more confident and authentic in our own lives.

There are many benefits to being genuine. For one, it can help us to build stronger relationships. When we are genuine, people can sense that we are being real with them. This can make them more likely to trust us and open up to us. Being genuine can also help us to be more successful in our careers. When we are genuine, people are more likely to be drawn to us and want to work with us.

How to Be More Genuine

Being genuine is not always easy, but it is something that anyone can do. Here are a few tips for being more genuine:

  • Be yourself: Don't try to be someone you're not. People will be able to tell if you're being fake.
  • Be honest: Don't be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings. People will appreciate your honesty.
  • Be vulnerable: It's okay to show your weaknesses. People will be more likely to connect with you if they see that you're human.
  • Be kind: Treat others the way you want to be treated. People will be more likely to be genuine with you if you're genuine with them.

Being genuine is important for building strong relationships, being successful in your career, and living a happy and fulfilling life. If you're not sure how to be more genuine, just start by being yourself. People will appreciate your honesty and authenticity.