
In the midst of the recent political turmoil in Hong Kong, one name has emerged as a beacon of hope and defiance:鄒幸彤, or Chow Hang-tung in Cantonese. This young lawyer and activist has become a symbol of the city's unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.

鄒幸彤's journey into activism began in 2014, during the Umbrella Movement. Witnessing the government's disregard for the people's demands for democracy ignited within her a deep-seated passion for justice. She joined the student-led protests and became a vocal advocate for the movement's cause.

In the years that followed, 鄒幸彤 continued to play a pivotal role in Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement. She co-founded the League of Social Democrats and became its vice-chairperson, organizing rallies, speaking out against government suppression, and providing legal aid to protesters. Her unwavering commitment to freedom of speech and assembly has made her a target of the authorities.

  • In 2019, she was charged with inciting and participating in an unauthorized assembly during the 612 Protest. She faced up to five years in prison, but she refused to be silenced. Instead, she used her trial as a platform to denounce the government's crackdown on dissent.
  • In 2020, she was arrested and charged under the National Security Law. She was accused of conspiring to subvert state power by advocating for Hong Kong's self-determination. Despite the serious charges, she remained defiant, declaring that she would not give up fighting for what she believes in.

鄒幸彤's courage and resilience have inspired countless Hongkongers. Her unwavering belief in the power of peaceful protest has resonated with people from all walks of life. She has become a symbol of hope and unity for those who believe in a better future for Hong Kong.

It is fitting that her name, 鄒幸彤, translates as "Nurturing Good Fortune." For many in Hong Kong, she has become a beacon of light, guiding them through the darkness of political oppression. Her unwavering spirit is a testament to the human capacity for resilience and the indomitable power of hope.

As the struggle for democracy in Hong Kong continues, 鄒幸彤's voice will continue to be a powerful force for change. Her fight for freedom and justice is our fight, and we stand with her in solidarity.