
The Man Who Shaped the Future of Chinese Animation

In the vibrant world of Chinese animation, there is one name that stands above the rest: 陳凱港. As the founder and CEO of Light Chaser Animation, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the industry's landscape and inspiring a generation of young animators.

Born in Hong Kong, 陳凱港's passion for animation ignited at an early age. Growing up, he was captivated by the imaginative worlds created by Disney and Pixar, and dreamed of one day bringing similar magic to Chinese audiences.

After graduating with a degree in computer science, 陳凱港 worked as a software engineer for several years. However, his heart never strayed from animation. In 2008, he quit his job and founded Light Chaser Animation, fueled by the belief that China had the potential to become a global leader in the industry.

The early days were challenging. The Chinese animation market was still in its infancy, and there was little funding available for original content. Undeterred, 陳凱港 and his team poured their hearts and souls into their first feature film, "Little Door Gods," which was released in 2016.

The film was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $100 million worldwide. It not only established Light Chaser Animation as a major player in the industry but also shattered the perception that Chinese animation was inferior to Western counterparts.

Since then, Light Chaser Animation has gone on to produce a string of hit films, including "Nezha," which became the highest-grossing Chinese animated film of all time. The studio's success has not only cemented 陳凱港's reputation as a visionary leader but also transformed the Chinese animation landscape, inspiring countless young people to pursue careers in the field.

Beyond his achievements in the industry, 陳凱港 is also known for his passionate advocacy for Chinese culture and heritage. He believes that animation can play a powerful role in promoting understanding and appreciation of China's rich traditions and values.

As Light Chaser Animation continues to grow and expand, 陳凱港 remains committed to pushing the boundaries of Chinese animation. He dreams of the day when Chinese animated films will captivate audiences around the world, showcasing the unique creativity and artistry of China's storytelling tradition.

In the words of 陳凱港 himself, "Animation is a universal language that can cross cultural barriers and connect people from all walks of life. I believe that by creating high-quality animated films that reflect our own culture and values, we can not only entertain and inspire audiences but also build bridges between different worlds."