静岡マラソン | 静岡マラソンのすべて


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Static Marathon is one of the most popular marathons in Japan. It is held every year in February and attracts over 30,000 runners. The course is challenging, but the scenery is beautiful and the crowd support is amazing.


The Static Marathon course is a loop course that starts and finishes at the Denkawa Stadium. The first half of the course is relatively flat, but the second half has some challenging hills. The most difficult hill is the Nihondaira Hill, which is located at the 30-kilometer mark.


The Static Marathon course offers runners some of the most beautiful scenery in Japan. The course passes by the Suruga Bay, the Nihondaira Plateau, and the Kunozan Toshogu Shrine.


The crowd support at the Static Marathon is amazing. Runners are cheered on by thousands of spectators throughout the course. The crowd is especially loud and enthusiastic at the Nihondaira Hill.


Registration for the Static Marathon opens in October. The entry fee is 10,000 yen. Runners can register online or by mail.


If you are planning to run the Static Marathon, it is important to start training early. Start by gradually increasing your mileage and intensity. Be sure to include some hill training in your preparation.


On race day, be sure to arrive at the start line early. The race starts at 9:00 AM. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. And most importantly, don't forget to have fun!