You can avoid froid by,never letting your card out of your sight while paying
with it.Also you could shread up all of your reciptts so that bin raiders
cannot get your card infomation.
Also you should watch out for small camares
that skimmers use to learn peoples pins.skimmers are people who forge peoples
Online you should cheek the the websites URL has changes to hhtps:// .
When you buy goods online or on the telephone using a card, you cannot
enter your PIN number – the card is not present at the place of purchase.
You therefore have to give out lots of the card’s details, including the security
code. With more people buying this way, ‘Card not present’ (CNP) fraud is
now the most common type of fraud in the UK. The criminals do not need a
card or even your PIN; all they need are your personal details and the security
code on the back of the card.
How can criminals get hold of personal
How to avoid Trojans
1. Never execute programs unless they are from a trusted source.
2. Never open e-mail attachments unless you know who they're from, especially attachments with the extensions .exe, .ink and .vbs.
3. Update your antivirus and security software on a regular basis.
4. Install patches and security updates for your operating system and software as they become available.
5. Beware of homemade CDs and floppy disks. If you plan to use these disks in your computer, scan them with your anti-virus software first.
6. Never accept programs transferred by instant messaging applications.
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