토토사이트 검증

Will The Brian Flores Lawsuit Force A Racial Reckoning For The NFL?
"In some basic ways the NFL is racially isolated and is overseen similar as a ranch. Its 32 proprietors - none of whom are Black - benefit significantly from the work of NFL players, 70% of whom are Black." 토토사이트 검증

- Selection from Brian Flores' claim against the NFL

In one strong and extraordinary claim, previous NFL lead trainer Brian Flores has turned into the Black instructing likeness previous NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Be that as it may, while Kaepernick took a knee in 2016 to fight bigotry and shamefulness, Flores is indicting the NFL. Not at all like Kaepernick, who at last settled his claim with the association, Flores appears to be determined to disclosing this fight. Better late than never.

The inquiry is whether the NFL proprietors will do to Flores how they treated Kaepernick. Will they renounce him?

Flores, who filled in as the Miami Dolphins lead trainer for three seasons prior to being terminated last month, said in an assertion Tuesday that he got what is in question. "I might be gambling training the game that I love and that has accomplished such a great deal for my family and me. My earnest expectation is that by facing fundamental bigotry in the NFL, others will go along with me to guarantee that positive change is made for a long time into the future."