112: The Number That Can Save Lives

In an emergency situation, every second counts. That's why it's crucial to know the right number to call: 112.
112 is the European emergency number that connects you directly to the appropriate emergency services, regardless of your location. Whether you need medical assistance, fire services, or police intervention, 112 is the number to remember.
Imagine you're driving on a deserted country road when your car breaks down and you're injured. You don't have any cell phone reception, and you're starting to panic. But then you remember 112. With trembling fingers, you dial the number and are immediately connected to an operator who can dispatch help to your location.
112 is not just a number; it's a lifeline. It gives us peace of mind knowing that help is just a phone call away, no matter where we are.
How 112 Works
When you dial 112, your call is directed to the nearest emergency services call center. The operator will ask you for your location and the nature of your emergency. They will then dispatch the appropriate emergency services to your location.
112 is a free service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It can be used from any landline or mobile phone.
When to Call 112
112 should be used for genuine emergencies only. These include:
  • Medical emergencies (heart attack, stroke, etc.)
  • Fire emergencies
  • Police emergencies
  • Natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc.)
If you are not sure whether your situation is an emergency, it is always better to err on the side of caution and call 112.
How to Use 112
When calling 112, it is important to stay calm and provide clear information to the operator. Be prepared to give the following information:
  • Your name
  • Your location
  • The nature of your emergency
  • Any other relevant information
The operator will stay on the line with you until help arrives.
112 is a vital emergency service that can save lives. By knowing the number and how to use it, you can help yourself, your family, and your friends in times of need.
Call 112 today and make sure you have the number saved in your phone. You never know when you might need it.