One to One Bible Reading

A vision…

Imagine if all Christians, as a normal part of their discipleship, were caught up in a web of regular Bible reading—not only digging into the Word privately, but reading it with their children before bed, with their spouse over breakfast, with a non-Christian colleague at work once a week over lunch, with a new Christian for follow-up once a fortnight for mutual encouragement, with a mature Christian friend once a month for mutual encouragement.

It would be a chaotic web of personal relationships, prayer, and Bible reading—more of a movement than a program—but at another level it would be profoundly simple and within reach of all.

It’s an exciting thought!

Colin Marshall and Tony Payne, The Trellis and the Vine


The value of doing it…

Salvation – it leads people to faith

Sanctification – it encourages people to grow

Training – it develops people into new challenges

Relationship – it draws people together


How to begin

First, pray.    (Ask God: who? What? How long for?)

Second, invite…   making sure the expectations are clear

Third, meet.              That’s it!



Should you?

If yes, then… read the passage, investigate the context, anticipate discoveries…

Your study should help to answer three questions:          

  • “What does it say?” (observation)
  • What does it mean?” (interpretation)
  • “What does it mean to me?” (application)