California's Changes - Bridget Bartley


California is expected to see many changes. Some prediction include...

  • The "Big One:" a hypothetical earthquake of a magnitude of ~8 or greater, expected to be in southern California, predicted to cause mass devastaion
  • California is expected to be geologically unrecognizable in 25 million years, is currently unrecognizable from 25 million years ago
  • Possible climate changes and possible border changes due to geological disasters
Here is a map of the average participation in earthquakes in different areas in California:

My Take:

I have no clue what to expect. Scientests can be sure of their predictions, but they really shouldn't be believed. How are they supposed to predict the future? No past events can tell you what will happen. Most scientists make their predictions based patterns of events from the pass, but there is really no telling what may happen. There may be a "Big One" and California will probably be unrecognizable in 25 million years, but we can never be 100% certain.