What About 1969?


*    Troop build up in Vietnam reached an all-time high of 486,000 personnel.


*    Richard M. Nixon became our 37th president on January 20.


*    The New York Jets won the first NFL championship that is now The Super Bowl


*    Judy Garland, The Wizard of Oz, Brian Jones, The Rolling Stones, Boris Karloff, Frankenstein, and

Joseph Patrick Kennedy, the father of the Kennedy's, all past away. 


*    Gold was selling @ 35.00/ounce!


*    James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King


*    The Supreme Court unanimously ruled  that school districts must end racial segregation at once.”


*    Nevada’s governor was Paul Laxalt


*    UNR had 6,539 students enrolled


*    Nevada had 89,000 elementary students enrolled in 4,772 classrooms and was 24th in the nation on per pupil spending of $648.00 -- Nat. Avg. $696.00


*    Average elementary teachers’ salary was $8,310.00. . . High School was $8,831 


*    Nevada’s population hit 457,000 people a 60% increase from 1960


*    Some folks even say that the most important event in 1969 happened on

July 20, when Neil Amrstrong and Buzz Aldrin first stepped on the moon.


I believe, however, the most important event of 1969 was that . . . out of 17,961 school districts . . . totaling 29,151,131 students. . .


3,868,874 first graders

learned to read


...and do math...and do science...

and learned to get along with each       other....





“I’ve never accepted the notion that our public schools are failing, and I’m offended when they are described that way.

This blanket condemnation goes unchallenged and successes are unreported.

In fact, schools are one of this nations institutions that are still working.


the late Dr. Ernest Boyer, The Carnegie Foundation