Chase The Race 2016

Chase The Race 2016

Hello, welcome to our website! This site mainly focuses on the 2016 Presidential Election, Presidential Candidates, and the process for the Presidential Election. This will focus on the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire Primary, Super Tuesday, candidates running.


Queston 1: Are the Iowa Caucuss an accurate bromete of who will win the canidacy? Why or why not?

Yes, because many of the canidates have won the election both in Democrat and republican.


Queston 2: Is the  New Hampshire primary an accurate baromer who will win the canidacy?

Yes, for the republican side, but not the democratic side because only one has one on the democratic side and two

have won on the republicans side.


Question 3: How does Super Tuesday impact the process? What happensfor the primaries.

Super Tuesday impacts the process by changing the peoples votes and election. In the

primaries only political parties can vote.