토토사이트 검증

Forward-Looking Statements 토토사이트 검증

This public statement contains forward-looking proclamations as characterized in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as corrected, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as changed, that imply huge dangers and vulnerabilities. All assertions other than proclamations of verifiable realities are forward-looking explanations. These forward-looking proclamations incorporate data about our conceivable or accepted future consequences of activities or our presentation. Words, for example, "anticipates," "means," "plans," "accepts," "expects," "appraisals," and varieties of such words and comparative articulations are planned to distinguish such forward looking proclamations. Despite the fact that we accept that the forward-looking proclamations contained in this official statement depend on sensible suspicions, you should know that many elements could influence our real monetary outcomes or aftereffects of tasks and could make genuine outcomes contrast physically from those in such forward-looking assertions, including yet not restricted with: the impact of COVID-19 on our business, takes a chance with connected with our dependence on associations with sports associations and the likely loss of such connections or inability to reestablish or extend existing connections; misrepresentation, debasement or carelessness connected with games, or by our workers or contracted analysts; gambles with connected with changes in homegrown and unfamiliar regulations and guidelines or their understanding; consistence with pertinent information assurance and security regulations; forthcoming suit and examinations; the inability to safeguard or implement our exclusive and licensed innovation privileges; claims for licensed innovation encroachment; our dependence on data innovation; takes a chance with connected with our capacity to accomplish the expected advantages from the business mix with dMY Technology Group, Inc. II; and different elements included under the heading "Hazard Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 20-F recorded with the SEC on April 30, 2021.

Perusers are forewarned not to put unnecessary dependence on these forward-looking articulations, which talk just as of the date of this official statement. We embrace no commitment to openly refresh or overhaul any forward-looking assertions contained in this, to mirror any adjustment of our assumptions as for such articulations or any adjustment of occasions, conditions or conditions whereupon any assertion is based.