20 Ideas for Differentiation in the Classroom

20 Ideas for Differentiation in the Classroom

1. Group projects for students who learn better in groups.

2. Khan academy for students who need to be reminded on how to do a problem again, but are not in the classroom. 


3. Provide visuals with problems for students who are visual learners and do better when they can visualize the problem.

4. Audiobooks in multiple languages so ELL students and students who are audio learners can benefit from these resources.

5. Provide hours after school for students to get extra help for students who need some one on one time.

6. Group discussions in class so students can work as a group to find solutions and helping students who benefit from group learning.

7. Allow students to decide if they want to work on problems by themselves or with a partner so students can do their work the way that best fits their learning style.

8. Do learning stations so students can do multiple different types of learning and will include everyones learning style in the class.

9. Do journal entries so that students can reflect on what they have learned and what they are still doubting.

10. Make goals in class for students who are goal based learners.

11. Provide textbooks in english and other languages for ELL students and other students who are visual learners and do better with a book in front of them.

12. Relate questions to day to day life for students who learn better by relating things to prior knowledge and things they have learned outside of school.

13. Play math focused tic tac toe where a student gets to mark off a spot if they get the question correct and this is for students who learn well when there is a competitive edge.

14. Allow students to have more choices for activities in class for students who are not engaged to be more involved.

15. Play music softly in the background for students who benefit from music while doing mathematics.

16. Use Paul's Online Math Notes for student's to have accessible notes online and as a visual guide.


17. Use PhET for students who are more hands on learners and like to learn using an interactive website.


18. Use my math lab which is a great resource that can help students step by step with problems they are struggling with.


19. Open university is another online resource for students who perfer online notes and has wide variety of course information.


20. Chirbit allows me to upload my lessons for students that need to go back over the lesson from the day.
