3 signs you should enroll your kid in a choir

Do you have an incredible child who loves to sing? Then a choir might be the perfect extracurricular activity for them. Here are three signs that your child would benefit from joining a choir:

1. Your child loves to sing

This may seem obvious, but it's worth repeating: the most important sign that your child would enjoy choir is that they love to sing. If your child is always singing around the house, in the car, or even in the shower, then they would likely love to have an outlet for their passion in a group setting. Choirs provide a fun and supportive environment where kids can learn to sing with others and improve their vocal skills.

2. Your child is a good listener

Choir members need to be able to listen to and follow the director's instructions. They need to be able to stay on pitch and sing in harmony with others. If your child is a good listener and has a good ear for music, then they would likely do well in choir.

3. Your child is a team player

Choir is a team sport. Members need to be able to work together to create a beautiful sound. They need to be able to support each other and be willing to put in the effort to make the choir a success. If your child is a team player and enjoys working with others, then they would likely enjoy singing in a choir.