Learning Cycle Assignment - The Moon Phases

If we are not "Folfing" next week...if so, the week after, Sept 24, 2015.

Thanks...do good this week...breath...and have a MOMENT!!


                               Next Week: 5E Learning Cycle [Just the 5E's]

                          Content: Phases of the Moon - Hard Copy to class

The 5 E Learning Cycle Model


Object, event or question used to engage students. Connections facilitated between what students know and can do.


Objects and phenomena are explored. Hands-on activities, with guidance.


Students explain their understanding of concepts and processes. New concepts and skills are introduced as conceptual clarity and cohesion are sought.


Activities allow students to apply concepts in contexts, and build on or extend understanding and skill.


Students assess their knowledge, skills and abilities. Activities permit evaluation of student development and lesson effectiveness.

Adapted from Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989).