4 Square

If you're looking for a fun and engaging game to play with friends or family, look no further than 4 Square! This classic playground game is easy to learn and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. In this article, we'll go over the rules of 4 Square, how to set up the game, and some tips for playing.
How to Set Up the Game
To set up the game of 4 Square, you'll need a square playing area that is about 20 feet by 20 feet. The square should be divided into four smaller squares, each of which is about 10 feet by 10 feet. You can use chalk or tape to mark out the squares.
Once you have set up the playing area, you can divide the players into four teams of two players each. Each team will take turns playing in one of the four squares.
Rules of the Game
The goal of 4 Square is to be the last team standing. To do this, you must eliminate the other teams by hitting their ball out of bounds or causing them to make a mistake.
The game starts with one team serving the ball. The serve must be hit diagonally into the opposite square. The receiving team must then hit the ball back into the serving team's square. The ball can be hit with any part of the body, but it must be hit cleanly.
The game continues until one team is eliminated. A team is eliminated if:
* The ball hits the ground in their square.
* Their player hits the ball out of bounds.
* Their player hits the ball into the net.
* Their player makes two consecutive faults.
Tips for Playing
Here are a few tips to help you improve your 4 Square game:
  • Be patient.
  • 4 Square can be a fast-paced game, but it's important to stay patient and wait for the right opportunity to hit the ball.
  • Communicate with your teammate
  • . It's important to communicate with your teammate so that you can coordinate your shots and cover each other's mistakes.
  • Use your body
  • . You can use your body to block the ball or to redirect it into the other team's square.
  • Have fun!
  • 4 Square is a great way to get exercise and have fun with friends. Don't take it too seriously and just enjoy the game.
    Call to Action
    So what are you waiting for? Grab some friends and head to the playground for a game of 4 Square!