5 Golden Rules for Safe Gun Handling You Need to Know!

Gun ownership is a very empowering, entitling and enabling feeling, it makes you feel so much more confident and secure for sure. But the feeling should not only be restricted to your own self or the people you love, it should be extended to all people around you, right? Well, it is only possible if you know the 5 golden safe gun handling rules which ensure there are no mishaps, accidents or irreversible incidents that can scar someone’s life forever. With great power comes greater responsibility as Spiderman taught us and owning a California legal AR-15 is powerful possession.

There are no second chances with guns and firearms, so one should never fool around or play with them just to scare someone or have a prank on someone. Firearms should always be accessible to people who are eligible to purchase a gun, having no recorded felony and must be in a stable mental condition. Adolescents and children who are driven by hormones must never have any access to this dangerous killing machine. Unfortunately we have mobile phones that recognize their owners but something so dangerous like guns still operate on the command of the person who pulls the trigger. So what must be done to protect others around us, here are the 5 golden rules of safe gun handling which will not only safeguard the people around you but also save you from dealing with a really traumatic experience in life. 

5 Golden Safe Gun Handling Rules

1.            Always treat your firearm as Loaded, Even If it’s NOT!

Here is the very first golden rule that alone can save a lot of precious lives from being vandalized forever. Never ever take anyone’s word that the firearm is unloaded, always double, triple check yourself. Whenever passing or accepting a gun make sure its muzzle is pointing in a safe direction, away from anyone, like downwards or upwards. You should also be sure that the action is open and it is not loaded. Also do your due diligence and always make sure that your finger is off the trigger.

2.            Always Keep the Muzzle Pointed is a Safe Direction

This rule is another live saver as it encourages everyone to be mindful about the direction the firearm is pointing when not in use. This is also great when someone is passing the gun or you are accepting it from some else. If the firearm is always pointing in a safe direction then it means even if the firearm does get triggered in some way, no one will get hurt. The simple way to do this is to always keep the gun away from something you don’t intend to shoot. Be especially mindful when loading or unloading the firearms. San Diego gun stores can give you a very good demonstration when you buy firearms through them. The safest direction is in the sky, if not possible make sure it never points at a person, property, flammable thing or something expensive.

3.            Always Keep the Guns Unloaded

One should only load a firearm when in use, under the supervision of a trained personnel in case of a trainee, when at a target field or when at the shooting range. Always keep the firearm safe in a gun safe and never ever put the ammunition and gun in the same place. Always be sure to unload your weapon as soon as you are done using it. Make your habit of always opening the action, visually checking the chamber, receiver and the magazine to be absolutely sure there is no sneaky bullet left. Never keep a loaded weapon when performing any action that doesn’t give you full control of your body.

4.            Be sure about the your Target and What is Beyond it

A very important tip to ensure you hit the target and on one else is to identify the target and what is beyond it. If you have even a speck of doubt, I recommend holding the shooting, if there is not a life or death like situation involved. Once you pull the trigger and the bullet leaves the gun there is no calling it back. A very good way is to use all your senses when aiming the target, don’t get too excited or nervous before pulling the trigger as it can cloud your vision and rationality.

5.            Service your Firearms regularly

Your firearms need your love, attention and care in order to perform without any glitch. Guns have a lot of moving parts which can get stuck at a crucial time so make sure to clean them regularly and professionally at good intervals.


Follow these simple gun rules to have a safe firearm experience. We have no right to put anyone’s life in danger due to our own negligence so learn these rules by heart to keep yourself and everyone around you safe.