5 Ways to Prepare for Labour in a Positive Manner

There are some things you can do to help if you’re nervous about giving birth. Here’s some advice from other mothers who have been there.

1. Empower yourself

Every woman is unique. Our bodies are unique, as are our babies, and no two births are alike. That is why learning more about labour and birth is beneficial. Understanding your options, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each, can help you feel more confident in making decisions about how you want to deliver your baby. You can also speak with your gynaecologist if you are concerned. They will answer any questions you may have and explain what can be done to safely deliver your baby in any scenario.

2. Prepare your mind

Try not to listen to horror stories about labour because they are extremely unhelpful if you are nervous. Remember that for every negative experience, there is a mother with a positive story to share.

3. Prepare your body

Labor frequently necessitates strength and stamina, so it is critical to prepare your body for it. Exercise can also be a great way to de-stress during pregnancy. You could look into antenatal exercise classes in your area. A pregnancy yoga class, for example, can be extremely beneficial.

4. Practice relaxation techniques

Breathing techniques can help you control your pain and calm your nerves (both before and after labour). You can practise using them throughout your pregnancy to ensure you’re comfortable using them when labour begins. Meditation and visualisation can help you relax during your pregnancy and labour. Even if your labour does not go as planned, you may be able to apply the techniques you’ve learned.

5. Think about your birth plan

A birth plan can be a helpful way of communicating all of your wishes, concerns, and choices quickly and effectively, especially if you’re in active labour and don’t want to (or can’t) have long discussions with your midwife or if there’s a staff change. Keep in mind that work doesn’t always go as planned on the day, so you may need to be flexible.

Visit Obstetrician Gynecologist Castle Hill to learn more.