5 Little-Known Details About the Alarming Rate of Earth's Rotation

Did you know that Earth's rotation has been gradually slowing down over the years? It's true! And while it's not something we generally notice in our daily lives, it has some pretty interesting implications.

Here are five lesser-known facts about this fascinating phenomenon:

  • It's slowing down by about 1.8 milliseconds per day. That may not seem like much, but it adds up over time. About 620 million years ago, a day on Earth was only about 21 hours long.
  • Atomic clocks are affected by the slowdown. These super-accurate clocks are used to keep track of time and are sensitive enough to detect even the slightest changes in Earth's rotation. As the Earth slows down, atomic clocks will gradually gain time.
  • The slowdown is caused by the Moon. The Moon's gravity exerts a tidal force on Earth, which slows down the Earth's rotation. It's the same force that causes the tides.
  • The slowdown could cause the Earth to become tidally locked to the Moon. This means that the Earth would always face the Moon, just like the Moon always faces Earth. It would take billions of years for this to happen, but it's a possibility.
  • The slowdown is a natural process. Earth's rotation has been gradually slowing down for billions of years. It's not something to be concerned about, but it is an interesting phenomenon that gives us a glimpse into the Earth's past and future.

So, there you have it! Five little-known facts about the alarming rate of Earth's rotation. It's a fascinating topic that's full of surprises. Who knows what other secrets our planet holds?