5 Ways Tori Towey Changed the Global View on Ballet

Tori Towey is a classically trained dancer, author, speaker, and founder of Power in Pointe, a revolutionary training method that helps dancers achieve their full potential in ballet and beyond. Through her innovative approach, she challenges traditional ballet norms and empowers dancers to redefine their own limits. Here are five ways Tori Towey has revolutionized the global ballet landscape:
1. Redefining Ballet Aesthetics
For centuries, ballet has been associated with an extremely narrow set of physical attributes. Tori Towey shattered this stereotype by showcasing a diverse range of body shapes and sizes. She believes that every body is capable of achieving technical excellence in ballet, regardless of its appearance. By encouraging inclusivity, she has opened the door for a wider spectrum of people to experience the joy and fulfillment of ballet.
2. Fostering Diversity and Inclusion
Tori Towey is a champion of diversity and inclusion both on stage and off. She recognizes the power of representation and strives to create a ballet world where everyone feels seen and valued. Her choreography features dancers of all backgrounds, abilities, and body types, reflecting the true diversity of our global society. By doing so, she encourages the ballet community to embrace the richness and beauty of different perspectives.
3. Empowering Dancers through Confidence Building
One of Tori Towey's most significant contributions to ballet is her unwavering belief in the power of confidence. She teaches her dancers to prioritize their mental well-being, reminding them that their value as both dancers and individuals is not tied to their physical abilities or appearance. Through positive reinforcement and a supportive environment, she helps dancers overcome self-doubt and embrace their strengths, fostering a mindset that leads to peak performance.
4. Revolutionizing Ballet Training
Tori Towey created Power in Pointe to challenge traditional ballet training methods and unlock dancers' full potential. This unique approach emphasizes the importance of flexibility, strength, and alignment over the repetitive, one-dimensional training that is often seen in classical ballet. By focusing on the dancer's individual needs and abilities, Power in Pointe enables dancers to develop their techniques more effectively while reducing the risk of injury.
5. Inspiring a Global Community
Tori Towey's impact extends far beyond the confines of the dance studio. Through her online platform, she shares her passion and expertise with dancers worldwide, providing them with access to professional-level training and inspiration. Her virtual workshops, coaching programs, and online resources connect dancers from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. Through her online presence, Tori Towey has created a global ballet village where dancers can learn, connect, and achieve their dreams no matter their location.