
Tennis Player Released From Custody In Match-fixing Case 

PARIS (AP) — The Russian tennis player captured on doubt of match-fixing finally year's French Open was delivered from police authority on Friday, legal authorities revealed to The Associated Press. 온라인카지노

Yana Sizikova, who was captured Thursday in Paris subsequent to contending in a French Open pairs match, was not officially charged in the wake of addressing however stays being scrutinized, the Paris investigator's office said. 

The 26-year-old Sizikova denies the claims, as per her attorney, Frederic Belot. He advised the AP that Sizikova needs to document a grievance for maligning. 

The investigator's office said Sizikova was captured for "sports pay off and coordinated extortion for acts liable to have been submitted in September 2020." 

The case was opened last October by a French police unit having some expertise in wagering misrepresentation and match-fixing. It has recently worked with Belgian specialists exploring suspect matches at the lower levels of expert tennis. 

The French tennis league said it couldn't give additional data on the grounds that the examination is continuous. 

The International Tennis Integrity Agency, which explores match-fixing in the game, declined to remark on the subtleties of the case however said in a message to the AP that "there has been progressing contact between the ITIA and law implementation in France." 

Addressing the AP in a telephone talk with, her legal counselor said Sizikova was "incredibly stunned." 

"She was put in guardianship like a lawbreaker. She says she is guiltless and didn't need me to help her during her doubting on the grounds that she sees herself as like a casualty," Belot said. 

Belot said he just began addressing Sizikova on Friday after he was drawn closer by the player's folks. He said Sizikova had reached the ITIA when the case was opened a year ago to deny any bad behavior. 

The investigator's office said the test focused on doubts around one match at Roland Garros a year ago. It didn't determine the match. German paper Die Welt and French games every day L'Equipe said at the time there were dubious wagering designs in the first round of a ladies' pairs match on Sept. 30. 

On that day, Sizikova and accomplice Madison Brengle of the United States played on Court No. 10 against Romanian players Andreea Mitu and Patricia Maria Tig. Sizikova was broken to adore serving in the fifth round of the subsequent set, during which she twofold blamed twice. 

Le Parisien detailed Friday that huge number of euros (dollars) were wagered with a few administrators in various nations on the Romanian players dominating that match. 

The paper said Sizikova, who is positioned 101st in duplicates and 765th in singles, was captured Thursday in the wake of losing in the first round of the copies competition at Roland Garros. The paper said specialists looked through Sizikova's lodging. 

A year ago's French Open, deferred due to the Covid pandemic, was played in late September and early October.