6:16 in LA

Anyone who's called California home knows this time all too well. It's the ungodly hour of 6:16 in the morning. I'm not sure why, but in LA, this is the magical time when the entire city wakes up and starts their day.

If you're not one of the lucky few who can roll over and fall back asleep, you're in for a treat. The next couple of hours will be a whirlwind of activity, as the city gears up for another day.

  • The birds start chirping at an ungodly volume. I swear they're mocking me, as if to say, "Come on, get out of bed! It's time to start your day!"
  • The traffic starts to pick up. At first, it's just a few cars here and there, but by 6:30, the streets are a sea of red taillights. If you're a commuter, you better leave early, or you're going to be late.
  • The sun starts to rise. This is one of the most beautiful parts of the day, as the sky turns from a deep blue to a brilliant orange. It's a reminder that even though you're exhausted, there's still beauty to be found in the world.

If you're not a morning person, 6:16 in LA can be a bit of a challenge. But if you can embrace the chaos, it can actually be a pretty special time of day.

So next time you find yourself waking up at 6:16 in LA, don't hit the snooze button. Get out of bed, enjoy the sunrise, and start your day with a little bit of adventure. Who knows, you might even start to love it.