67 minutes for Mandela

It's a chilly July morning in Johannesburg, South Africa. The sun is just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the city. I'm standing in front of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, waiting to join the 67 minutes for Mandela service campaign.

The campaign was launched in 2009, on Mandela's 91st birthday. The idea is simple: to spend 67 minutes of your time doing something that benefits your community. Mandela spent 67 years of his life fighting for freedom and equality, so the campaign is a way to honor his legacy and continue his work.

I'm joined by a group of volunteers from all over the world. We're all here to do our part to make a difference. We're going to be painting a mural at a local school, cleaning up a park, and visiting a retirement home.

As we're painting the mural, I can't help but think about Mandela. He was such an inspiring figure, and his message of peace and forgiveness is more relevant than ever today. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to honor his legacy.

After we finish the mural, we head to the park to clean up. It's a beautiful day, and the park is full of people. We spend the next hour picking up trash and raking leaves. It's hard work, but it's also rewarding. We know that we're making a difference in our community.

Our last stop is the retirement home. We spend the afternoon visiting with the residents and listening to their stories. It's an amazing experience. I'm so inspired by these people who have lived through so much. They're a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope.

As I leave the retirement home, I'm filled with a sense of gratitude. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to have spent 67 minutes of my time making a difference in my community. And I'm so grateful for the inspiration of Nelson Mandela. His legacy will continue to inspire people for generations to come.

Call to Action

I encourage you to participate in the 67 minutes for Mandela service campaign. It's a great way to give back to your community and honor the legacy of a great man. You can find more information about the campaign at www.mandeladay.com.