8 Key Uses Of Colloidal Silver Supplements

Evidential research on ancient Greece has shown that using silverware can greatly reduce the chances of one acquiring common ailments. These discoveries led to the study of colloidal silver and the discovery of its medicinal properties. However, as opposed to common belief, this supplement has been used by certain societies for thousands of years. Below are some of the benefits one can take from taking the drug.
Many people are also wary of these said benefits because they consider this compound a heavy metal, hence potentially dangerous. However, several research studies have been conducted, and they have confirmed that the compound indeed contains medicinal properties. Moreover, there are indications that it does not interact with other herbs and drugs. Hence, there is no need to fear.
Many people suffer from common cold and flu. These are simple ailments that have no cure. The available medication only serves to reduce the effects of the symptoms. However, this drug can help prevent the onset of the disease. Gargling a few drops of the substance suspended in water and spraying under the tongue and the back of the mouth is very effective. One should also take a lot of Vitamin C.
For someone suffering from internal problems that are difficult to treat, the solution might lie in silver. Suspending 7 oz. In a quarter liter of non-chlorinated water has shown the ability to clear the bacteria that cause conditions such as diarrhea, diverticulitis, irritable bowel, flu and food poisoning. This is particularly because it is absorbed fast before it reaches the large intestine.
When you go to see a doctor, you are normally given several precautions that help prevent certain ailments. This is because prevention is always better than treating a disease. This product act as a preventive medicine that helps fight parasites that cause various infections. These microorganisms normally lay their eggs in the human body then multiply. However, pure colloidal silver prevents those eggs from hatching.
The dose should be taken one-off and early in the morning before consuming any food. This should be followed by at least 20 minutes of rest. Taking live culture yogurt is also recommended to replenish the intestinal flora balance. Again, it is important to drink plenty of water.
The internal organs, including the blood, require occasional cleaning to remove residual chemicals. This is where antioxidants come in. This product is known to have the properties necessary for cleaning these organs. One should consume 7 oz. When needed and the job is done.
This metal also functions as a powerful disinfectant, germicide and antiseptic. Hence, if you are suffering from the effects of Itchy Scalp, dandruff, skin conditions such as Psoriasis and Eczema, or even Cuts, Grazes and Burns, you can benefit from frequent application. It also helps in wound healing.
While there are many benefits of this product, it is recommended that you take the right colloidal silver dosage. This way, you will be able to combat several infections such as fungal infections, yeast infections, and eye infections. However, there is no known side effect that is of health concern.
Gold2Live is your number one source for high quality pure colloidal silver supplements. Discover the difference that these special products can make, when you visit our home on the Web at http://www.gold2live.com/Colloidal-Silver.html now.