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special events photography has indefinitely delegated a wonderful spot in our regiment. Growing up  you could discover me carrying a thirty-five millimeter telephoto camera in my hand taking pictures of my childhood and flowers, and the luscious land making up the wee naval city off the Maryland ocean port where my relatives and I through elementary school and college. The skill grew with time of a fine expertise which I enveloped, scanning editorial pictures, paintings and fashion photography in my twentys.  Afterwards, I started assimilating a important marketing career where contrasting nudges and enriching influences had already began to appear and become visible inside my wedding photo work. This day I am a always exhibited and award winning Destination Wedding top Photographer and can be found in the entire Maryland and all of Washington. I am also a sought out Seattle WA television Photographer. Please take a trip to my beloved website to learn more about my business: Charlottesville Wedding Photographer