We Love Falling In Love

For love, we will cross the sea, walk across the desert and climb the highest mountains. Without the love you could not climb mega personal app mountains and the deserts unbearable. Love permeates the soul of society, both in the past and present.


A lot of us even fall in love with being in love. Among a variety of emotional needs, love and affection are the most basic. This giving a person the feeling of belonging. Love is important... but for some it is elusive. Something in our nature cries out to be loved by another.


Most of us enter in to a relationship/marriage because of having the in-love experience. We meet people that have personality and physical traits that are appealing to us. This triggers kind of an electrical shock like a "love alert" in our system. Some people call it "bells and whistles going off". Excitement, euphoria and a feeling that you can't be without them. This produces a high that is awesome!

Unfortunately, reality hits. Oh my, yep, reality. a rainbow kiss Sometimes it's a slap in the face. Whoa! Where did that feeling go? You realize that they are human and have faults.


They hopefully realize in a kind way that not everything is so "lovely" forever. Once the experience for falling in love has run its course things start to change. The love euphoria tends to only last for a couple of years. Then you have to function in normal society with the rest of the world.


With the end of that in-love experience comes the idea that they only have two options... be miserable with their spouse or bail out/jump ship. Society today tends to lean towards the 2nd one. Divorce is at an all time high of approximately 60 percent these days.


The best love grows out of choice. You choose to stay for a lot of reasons. You like and love the other person. You choose to develop more aspects to the relationship over time. This turns in to a love that is different than the "euphoria" that you once had. But in some ways Plenty of Fish this love is even better. It is inclusive of others. It consists of a deep respect AND love. The person that you were one "hot" for has developed into much more than that. They may be a great mother or father known for their reliability at work or for their intelligence. There are many reasons you can still have a wonderful union after the "in-love" stage begins to fade.


If you can manage to have a great bond after the initial "bells and whistles" you will be very blessed. I've found that love, respect and admiration can be so fulfilling. Try to make this your goal if you think that you can do this with the person you love. You will be so glad that you hung in there. It will make the time that you invested well worth while. Good luck in your long term relationship goals.