A League table

My grudge against sports
I know it's a matter of personal taste, and there are millions of people who like it and even more who love it with great passion, but I have never felt the slightest interest in sports. I have never understood the fascination that millions of people feel for a group of well-paid young men sweating and tossing a ball or chasing it around a field. To be honest, I think it's boring even if I appreciate that they are all athletes with admirable abilities and highly trained in their discipline.
I have to admit that my wife is one of those billions of people who think I'm weird because I don't like sports. She's a huge soccer and tennis fan, and she never misses the big football matches between Real Madrid and Barcelona, the Champions League finals, or the Four Tennis Grand Slams. She's always trying to get me interested in sports, but I can't help it. I just don't find it interesting.
A couple of years ago, she convinced me to go to a Real Madrid football match at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. It was a great experience because I got to see one of the best soccer teams in the world play live, but I got bored in the second half and I couldn't wait for the game to end. I spent the whole second half looking at my watch and counting the minutes until I could go home.

I know that sports are an important part of our culture, and I understand why people like them, but I just don't find them interesting. I'm more interested in other things, like reading, writing, and spending time with my family and friends. As i've said before, i'm aware that my feelings towards sports may be a bit strange, but i'm not the only one who feels this way, there are millions of people in the world who don't like sports.
Ultimately, my relationship with my wife survives despite our differences in taste, and the best of all is that she has stopped trying to convince me to like sports. She now knows that it's a lost cause.