Frankstein Argumanitive essay

I think Frankstein's creation should be created not destroyed. I think this cause of three main reasons. First off, Frankstein's creation is all about self defense. They had the wrong approach when they met Frankstein's creation. For example, Egor just came up to Frankstein's creation with a torch randomly out of nowhere. And any ordinary human being would use self defense but scince Frankstein has a abnormal brain he kills him for self defense. Another thing is that, Frankstein's creation is still learning. Scince he was made by part of the lighting it would mess up the human brain. So this means that he's not gonna know what hes doing. He dosnt even know whats right or wrong. For ex, Frankstein's creation came up to this little girl and she was picking flowers and throwing them in the water rightside up, and then fransktein did the same thing but then he picked up the girl and threw her in the water. What we can take from this is that Frankstein's creation is a slow learner. My final reason is that, he's misunderstood. Theese people think that if somebody or something kills someone they will asume that it was on purpose and therer a searal killer. But all fransktein was doing of what a slow minded person would do, and any ordinary human being. For ex, when the the father of the girl got thrown in the water he canme to town with the dead body and then all the towns people gathered and started a mob. This means that they see Frankstein's creation as a monster. But something that could counter this is that he defies the law of physics. Frankstein's experiments are illegal. Thats because using deadbodys thats not even yours and bringing the dead back to life is illegal and wrong.