About AlfaStrakhovanie Corporation

One of the premier insurance companies in Russia, AlfaStrakhovanie Group delivers a universal portfolio of services to their clients, incorporating both comprehensive programs of business risks protection, and a variety of products for private individuals.

We offer more than 100 insurance services including life insurance to our private and corporate customers. Our services are currently being used by millions of private clients and thousands of companies. Our firm also has more than 400 representative offices and branches across Russia.

We continuously strive harder to improve our services and develop new insurance products because fulfilling and exceeding our client's needs will always be our top priority.

AlfaStrakhovanie Group prides itself for having decades of experience and a good reputation of being a reliable and stable company. Our comprehensive insurance company has licenses for 98 types of insurance, including credit insurance, wherein it enables the company to provide the clients with seamless insurance protection.

According to the Russian rating agency Expert EA, our firm is amongst the top leading companies on the Russian insurance market. Expert EA recently confirmed its highest level A++ of reliability rating to our firm that has been assigned in 2003. This grade implies that whether there is an unfavorable economic conditions occurring, there is a high probability that our firm still meets our financial liabilities. Fitch Ratings assigned our firm with the Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) Rating and has the AA- level of reliability on the national scale and BB level on the international scale with the stable outlooks.

Our firm is a part of Alfa Group Consortium, one of Russia's largest privately owned investment consortiums. Its portfolio of companies includes Alfa-Bank, X5 Retail Group, A1 Group, Alfa Capital Management, and Rosvodokanal Group.

Our firm also consists of AlfaStrakhovanie PLC, AlfaStrakhovanie-Life LLC, AlfaStrakhovanie-MS LLC, AlfaStrakhovanie-OMS LLC, Medicine AlfaStrakhovanie LLC, AlfaMedProject LLC, AsStra Medical Insurance Company LLC and Syberia Medical Insurance Organization PLC.

It has been said earlier that we have millions of clients including corporate clients and partners such as Aeroflot, Bashneft, Coca-Cola, Euroset, Gazprombank, Lukoi, Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, Metalloinvest, Metro Cash and Carry, MRSK Holding, Norilsk Nickel, RusHydro, Sberbank of Russia, Svyaznoy, TNK-BP, VimpelCom, X5 Retail Group, and many others.