Project 1

Narrative Essay

Rain, rain, Go Away

Dear Human inhabitants,

It is time we as a people realize that all good days aren’t great, and that all rainy days are not as harmless as they seem. Rain used to be a single hydrogen and two oxygens that came together and poured down in a hellfire. Now rain comes with a new added ingredient. It’s now a sulfur dioxide mix that pours down and scorches like hells fire. And with it comes the destruction of many natural creations. Vast forests, valleys, and water ways are left destroyed or polluted due to acidic rain. Around this devastating molecular mash-up is desecrating many of the worlds land marks and leaving nothing but withered remains. There are many cultures that pray for rain and the properties that it brings. They pray that the rain washes over the land and nourishes it. They pray that they can use the water to drink and to farm with. In return for their prayers to a higher power they are not rewarded with a cool, soothing, and nourishing substance. Instead their prayers lead to hell on earth, as the water they yearn for comes down as fire balls disguised as pellets of water. Acid rain is an epidemic that’s sweeping across the world and it destroying the world.                                                                                                  Nothing about acid rain is natural. Acid rain comes from emissions of automobiles, power plants, and oil production facilities. Those emissions rise into the atmosphere and mix with clouds full of rain, and together it comes down and lays waste in its path. Acid rain is currently eating away at ancient history. Monuments around the globe are being weathered down at extreme rates because of acidic precipitation. The Leshan Giant Buddha, Mount Emei located is located in China. This Buddhist monument is being withered away due to acidic rain. A staple to people of the Buddhist religion is being destroyed because acid rain is plaguing the area. The Longmen Grottoes, which is another Buddhist monument located in China is having the same problem. The Taj Mahal, which can be found in India, is also being weathered away drastically because of acid rain. This acidic precipitation is destroying monumental places, and stripping the beauty of our world.

Acid rain not only destroys monuments, but it negatively effects nature as well. Acid rain falls into oceans, rivers, and pods to destroy the wildlife in the water. Many species of aquatic animals are dying off due to the pollution that is degrading their habitat. The waters are poisoned and the fish no longer are healthy. That makes any of the aquatic animals we eat more likely to be poisonous to humans. This can lead to severe sickness and even mortality. Waters ways may be unsafe to drink from. This makes finding a clean water system harder because now the water is being polluted by acid rain. The affects of acid rain are not only in water but in the crops, we grow as well. The water that we believe should nurture and grow the plants is killing them and making them more dangerous for us to eat. We’re losing a lot of agriculture due to the destructive properties of acid rain. Forrest are being destroyed because of the acidic water. Plants are not receiving the nutrients they need because of the poisonous elements. Trees are becoming weaker as poison water rains down upon them. Trees are not able to remove as much carbon dioxide from the air because they’re being weakened. This leads to more pollution and a less healthy environment.

As time goes on the destruction that acid rain brings to the world will only increase. As a society we must do our best to try and stop it from taking away our historical monuments and natural resources. I merely ask that you try your best to stop the pollution from getting into the atmosphere and help the planet in any way you can. I believe that we all can make a change and help the world become a better place. Join many others and I, on a journey to save the beautiful world we have. I hope that generations after us get to see the great things that make planet earth so special.