Discover the New Era with Active LED Display

Infonics is a new era of active LED Display that can be easily customized to meet the needs of any business. We integrate innovative technology with expert knowledge and experience, allowing us to create bespoke systems for our customers, who can leverage them for a wide variety of uses.

Infonics' active LED Display are perfect for all manner of applications from lobby displays, welcome screens and interactive product showcasing to digital signage and video walls. Infonics LED technologies are used in the world's leading stadiums, airports, corporate offices, shopping malls and hotels.


The Infonics product line is designed to solve the challenges of high-end active LED Screen manufacturer in India. We offer integrated solutions for data centers, digital signage, retail, education and, most importantly, home. Our products are designed to bring life to any space, be it a business meeting room or the comfort of your own home.