Adding Parti Poodles To Your Family Unit

When it comes to pets and more specifically dogs, much needs to be known about mans best friend. Of the many dog breeds we have, a most welcome pet would probably be a poodle right? Girls, I see you nodding. Do you know that even amongst poodles we have various gene specific breeds? Parti poodles are one, tea cup poodles another. Keeping the breeds pure so that we can be able to experience them through generations to come is a privileged task that deserves a mention so to all breeders, tea cup poodle breeders counted in, bravo to you.
The parti is different from other poodle breeds in that it has a predominantly white coat, with a secondary color which can be anything from brown, black etc. Worth noting about the breed is that at birth, no two pups are totally similar in color. To most breeders that know this, the expectation and wonder at what color ones pups will be can cause excitement levels similar to those of opening presents.
The coat of a pure breed dog will a white that is crisp and clear. The secondary color will have clear lines but will not fade into the white. This distinction being more evident with the puppies, but as well fading with age as the puppies progress into adulthood. The final color consistency however will only be determined with full maturity. Also, they will normally have black spots, either on their paws or the body.
Breeding poodles is a lot of work. However, following the correct guidelines and breeding them for the right reasons you are bound to have an easier time both from the animals as well as the authorities. Of most importance is knowing the responsibility you will have with maintaining a pure bloodline.
Heath considerations should also be taken into account. A breeder must ensure that all that should be done to ensure healthy pups is done. This especially with the younger ones as they, just like other babies are most vulnerable at this stage. As such, you should leave nothing to chance at this stage. As a result, compromising on sanitation or warmth present in the dam is not an option.
Also, you should be prepared for anything. This especially so for new breeders. As such, with the arrival of a new litter, ensure there is enough finances as well as time. This so as to afford them proper care. Considering the extra food, vaccinations, veterinary bills, as well as checkups, this will surely come in handy.
Emotional strength is another thing. With the roller-coaster of an emotional ride you will be having, please prepare adequately. There will be highs with new births but also with each loss of a pup, that was maybe too weak, or that adult due to age.
In conclusion though, because of joy they bring to many homes. This with their awesome companionship, as well as the cuddles they allow us to give them that seem therapeutic when we are emotional. The many pains that come with their breeding is surely worth it. Think otherwise? Try cuddling a cat.
Parti poodles are small enough to put in a cup. If you would like to check out these beautiful and unique dogs, go to the Puttin On The Ritz Poodles website today at