All into this world ... is related with money. .... even in love stories. romanian author Adrian Dumitru

The time proved to me that all into this world is related to money.

All ....

But i smile ... and accept it.

Still ... what intrigues me most is that somehow ... during the years i had the chance to see beautiful couples ... being so happy together ... and unfortunately ... not so much time after that ... i saw how unhappiness was so obvious on their faces.

And ... the question is why?!

Or maybe I should say ... what the hell happened between them?!

Why the dynamic of all changed so much?!

I've used to see them at a restaurant where i usually go ... or walking on the streets ... and they were so, so annoying with that happiness induced by their connection.

Today ... i see them ... like 2 strangers forced by the Universe to stay together.

... and they are so, so unhappy.


The passing of time made them experience happiness ... and unhappiness.

Today ... reality was defined by ugly energies ... which i could not understand.

And i kept asking myself ... why?! What really happened?! How the hell is possible as such a beautiful love story to change into an unhappy one?!

Well ... one day ... speaking about them with my friend Emily ... she just said to you ... "My friend ... you are so, so blind. You're wrote tens of books defining the love stories .... and you can't see obvious things.

You amaze me.

What's so unclear to you?!

You speak about a love story as a young couple ... having the naivety induced by the fact that they were in love one of the other ... and today ... 10 years later ... they have 2 kids ... she's not working, cause she stays at home taking care of the family ... and he is not having a good job.

It's all ... so simple ... but you have such a complicated mind that it looks like you live in Mars."

I was .... shocked.

I was indeed ... idiot.

I've wrote so many beautiful things about love stories ... but ... i never realised the impact of money on the dynamic of a relationship.

Indeed ... i was living on Mars.

I've defined myself as an observer of love stories ... but the truth was that i wanted to see only and only the ... beautiful side of it.


... and i was pretending that the ugly side of life ... does not really exists.


Download the book ”INSERT COIN

...and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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