Advice Before Enrolling for Yoga Teacher Training

Embarking on a journey to become a certified yoga teacher is an enriching and transformative experience. However, before enrolling in a yoga teacher training program, it's essential to consider various factors and gain insights that can make the experience fulfilling and successful.

1. Understand Your Intentions

Before enrolling in a teacher training program, take time to reflect on why you want to become a yoga teacher. Are you passionate about sharing the practice with others, seeking personal growth, or considering a career change? Understanding your intentions will help you choose a training program aligned with your goals.

2. Research and Accreditation

Explore different yoga schools and their training programs. Look for reputable schools that are accredited by recognized yoga alliances, such as Yoga Alliance. Accredited programs ensure a certain standard of education and are more widely accepted in the industry.

3. Teacher Trainer and Philosophy

Research the lead teacher or trainer. Their experience, teaching style, and philosophy should resonate with you. Each trainer brings a unique perspective to the training, and finding one whose approach aligns with your values and learning style is crucial for a fulfilling experience.

4. Program Structure and Curriculum

Examine the curriculum and structure of the training program. The duration, subjects covered, teaching methodology, and practical hours offered should align with your learning objectives. Look for a program that covers various aspects of yoga, including yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, and practicum.

5. Practical Experience and Mentorship

A comprehensive training program offers hands-on teaching experience and mentorship. Practical sessions, assisting experienced teachers, and guidance in developing your teaching skills are invaluable aspects of the training.

6. Consider Your Schedule and Commitment

Yoga Teacher training courses vary in duration, from intensive immersions to longer, part-time courses. Assess your availability and commitment to the program, ensuring it aligns with your schedule and personal responsibilities.

7. Financial Considerations

Teacher training programs come with a cost, which can vary significantly. Consider the financial investment required and whether the program offers scholarships, payment plans, or other financial assistance.

8. Pre-requisites and Readiness

Some programs have prerequisites or recommended experience levels. Assess whether you meet these requirements or need to build a stronger foundation before enrolling in the program.

9. Speak with Alumni and Reviews

Reach out to alumni or graduates of the program to gain insights into their experiences. Reading reviews and testimonials can provide valuable information about the program's strengths and potential drawbacks.

10. Personal Practice and Self-Reflection

Before beginning the training, ensure a consistent personal yoga practice. Self-reflection and personal growth are fundamental aspects of becoming a yoga teacher. Engaging in self-inquiry and understanding your relationship with yoga will enrich your training experience.

11. Openness and Willingness to Learn

Approach the training with an open mind and a willingness to learn. The teacher training journey is a continuous process of learning, self-discovery, and growth. Be receptive to new experiences and perspectives.


Enrolling in a yoga teacher training program is a significant step in your yoga journey. By considering these factors, you can choose a program that aligns with your goals and values. Remember, teacher training is not just about learning to teach yoga but also about self-discovery, personal growth, and deepening your relationship with the practice. It's a transformative experience that offers insights and tools not just for teaching, but for a more fulfilling and mindful way of life.