Aesthetic Clinic London

7 Things To Consider Before Choosing The Right Aesthetic Clinic London Services


If you are searching for the right aesthetic clinic London service, the best way to approach this is by making a list of things you want your ideal clinic to have. Since several aesthetic clinics will pop up on the internet, you must find a way to narrow your choices down. If you don't have a list of your requirements and preferences yet, here are seven things you want to might want to include on your list.


Facility cleanliness

Before choosing an aesthetic clinic London service, it would be best to request a tour of their clinic to check its cleanliness. There are several clinics out there, but not all of them commit to the highest standards of hygiene, which is one of the most important aspects of providing medical treatments. That said, make sure to see the facility in person and make sure you're satisfied with what you see. This extends to your proposed aesthetician, whose professionalism and dedication to hygienic practice is critical since you will entrust to them your skin and health during the procedure


Their experience and knowledge

If there’s anything you should know about aesthetic medicine, it’s that this field is extremely wide; advancements happen continuously. That said, any reputable aesthetician must be at the forefront of these advancements in the field, keeping track of the latest procedures to benefit their clients, ultimately. Your chosen London aesthetic clinic should be devoted to its profession at delivering the highest quality of service. This means, your aesthetician must be someone who’s at the top of their field, up-to-date with the latest information, attends conferences, takes classes, and in general maintains a high-level of professionalism. Years of experience may prove fruitless if the aesthetician has remained dedicated to practising obsolete methods and concepts. On the other hand, a newbie clinician who has not proven themselves through high levels of training may also not be the best choice without a few years of experience under their belt, especially for more advanced procedures. That said, find a skilled professional to ensure that whomever you entrust your skin to is worthy of the responsibility.


Who is behind the needle

If you're getting cosmetic injectables, you must remember that such non-surgical cosmetic treatments' success rate depends on who is doing the procedure. If your procedure requires injections, ensure that your medical and aesthetic clinic London practitioner is qualified to provide the best results. Otherwise, medical mishaps may result in anything from droopy eyelids, infections, lumpiness, allergic reactions, prolonged swellings and facial asymmetry to disfiguring tissue loss and even blindness. Find out who your practitioner is. Where have they trained, or are they still training? Make sure that they are insured. Ask them if they have there before and after images.


Do your research

Once you've found someone promising, do not rush. Book an appointment for a consultation first. This allows you to discuss your desires and expectations. Your medical and aesthetic clinic London practitioner should ask questions about your medical history. They should also provide you with written information indicating all the risks and adverse reactions related to the procedure and ask you to sign a consent form once you've had time to think the matter through before you return for your actual scheduled procedure.


Your budget

Before going to a London aesthetic clinic, it would be best if you already have a budget in mind. You get what you pay for when it comes to cosmetic treatments. While prices vary depending on the exact product used and where you live, muscle relaxing injections usually start around £160 per area.


Keeping this clean

If you are getting a non-surgical procedure, ensure that it is still in a clinic setting. There are many practitioners out there who are practising unsanitary conditions, even in places like gyms. There is a higher risk of infection in unsanitary conditions, and if your lips get infected, it can be painful and ultimately dangerous.


Know what's going into your lips

Ten times out of ten, if you ask somewhere where a person's handbag is from, they can tell you the designer, the style, and the material. But if you ask them what type of filler they will use for your lips, they can't answer. Make sure you know what products are being injected into your body.  Ask to see the box. That will state if the filler is FDA approved or CE marked. These are two significant markers of quality. If your practitioner is unable to show you either of them, walk out.

Choosing the right aesthetic clinic London service can be time-consuming. But with the help of this article, you can now correctly evaluate whether your prospect clinics are worth your time and money. Since some cosmetic enhancements involve needles, choosing the wrong one can be devastating and cause more harm than before.