Life In Afghanistan

A day in the life of Gul Bahar: an Afghan school girl                                                    




5:00amWake up to make a breakfast of bread and tea.

 The tea is made by boiling water over an open fire then adding loose tea leaves and      fresh milk and the bread has either been homemade with a simple recipe or bought from the nearby market.

5:30amTake the cows and goats out to a nearby mountain meadow to graze.

Most families do not have the money to buy their own land or buildings for the animals.

6:00amGul Bahar meets up with some friends from the nearby village and they start to walk to school.

The walk to school for Gul Bahar and other students from her village takes about an hour and a half. It is three and a half miles long in the blazing hot sun and every day there is fear of a landslide occurring. This is just one of the many dangers they [and many other students in Afghanistan] face on the walk to school.

7:30am: Morning assembly

8:00amReading, writing and arithmetic

The students sit and listen to the teacher working through sums, reading or writing as they take notes. They have no tables, have to bring their own writing paper and the classroom walls are bare and colourless.

3:00pm: Students begin the long trek back home again.

Usually on empty stomachs as the school cannot pay to feed all the pupils and many cannot afford breakfast either.

4:30pm: Bring the livestock [cows and goats] back in from the mountain meadow and into the house

5:00pmPick up the livestock’s dung from the meadow with bare hands and take it home to be burned and used for fuel.

6:00pmPrepare dinner for the family.

Three boiled eggs each and then drink cups of boiled water that were used to cook the eggs.

6:15pmEat dinner

6:30pmWash up the dishes.

6:45pm: Homework 

Reviewing the day’s lessons and preparing for tomorrow.

7:45pmBed, ready for another busy day tomorrow!



Afghan Homes

1859218337_24a953ec4f_z.jpg?zz=1  - Afghan homes have thin mattreses all around the walls, these are used for sitting and sleeping

  -The sitting/sleeping room is the main room in the house.

  -It is not uncommon to find 10 to 15 people in one house due to the lack of money.                                        






 This is the kitchen. It has pots, pans, a water bucket and [usually] that's it.             4fa7bfee6.jpg







Some English phrases translated into Duri: a popular language in Afghan. 

English Duri
Hi Salam
Good morning Sobh bekheir
Good afternoon Baad az zohr bekheir
Thank you Mersi, mamnoon 
Happy Birthday! Tavaloodat mobarak!
See you soon  Bezoodi shoma rabeibman
Come in! Biatoo!
