Stay Cool and Save Money: A Guide to Air Conditioning

With the Singapore heat, many people are looking for ways to stay cool. The cost of running an AC unit can be staggering! With almost two-thirds of homes having air conditioners in Singapore and costing over $11 billion annually (that’s a lot!), staying comfortable often becomes worth it even without considering all that extra money you'll save from not being overheated or uncomfortable every day during summer months.
Here are some tips from Them to Help You Turn on the Cool and Dial-up Some Savings.

-Your air conditioner doesn’t cool faster when you turn the thermostat on a colder setting than normal. You may think that if you come home to a warm house and then lower your heat, turning down these settings will cool things off quicker. However, this just isn't true because lowering them for quick relief won't work–it'll take way longer than leaving it as-is! Think about investing in a programmable thermostat that will allow you to use a higher setting while you’re away.
-To keep your home cool, use an interior fan to circulate the air. This will help save on utility bills and make you more comfortable at night knowing that all is well inside!

- Keep your thermostat heat-free and never place an appliance or lamp that gives off heat near a thermostat. This will make the temperature reading inaccurate, which might cause you to overcompensate with cooling systems in order for it not to be too warm inside!

-If your air conditioner is getting along in years, consider replacing it. The new central AC units are as much 15% more energy-efficient and will lower monthly utility bills for you!
Keeping your air conditioner in good working condition is another way to have it run as efficiently as possible to lower your energy use. 
When you think your air conditioner isn’t working as well as it should call for SO COOL Aircon service in Singapore. When an air conditioner isn’t working properly, it is likely that you will experience problems with your electricity bill. You want to catch this as quickly and easily as possible so the problem doesn't get worse than what already exists!

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