Alexa Leary, the Accidental Conservationist

As a young girl, I loved exploring the woods behind my house. I would spend hours building forts, climbing trees, and chasing after squirrels. I never thought of myself as a conservationist, but looking back, I realize that my childhood adventures were the foundation of my love for the natural world.

When I was in college, I took a class on environmental science. It was there that I learned about the threats facing our planet. I was shocked to learn about the extent of deforestation, pollution, and climate change. I realized that I could no longer take the natural world for granted. I had to do something to protect it.

I decided to start volunteering with a local conservation organization. I helped to plant trees, clean up rivers, and educate the public about environmental issues. I quickly realized that I had a passion for conservation. I loved working with people who were as passionate about the environment as I was.

After college, I got a job as a conservation planner. I worked with landowners and developers to find ways to protect natural habitats while still allowing for economic development. It was challenging work, but I loved it. I was making a real difference in the world.

One of the most rewarding experiences of my career was working on a project to restore a wetland. The wetland had been drained for agriculture, but we were able to restore it to its natural state. It was amazing to see the wildlife return to the area. I knew that I was making a difference for future generations.

I've been a conservationist for over 20 years now. I've seen a lot of changes in the world, both good and bad. But I remain optimistic about the future. I believe that we can create a more sustainable world for ourselves and for our children. I'm proud to be a part of that effort.

If you're interested in getting involved in conservation, there are many ways to do so. You can volunteer with a local conservation organization, donate to a conservation cause, or simply reduce your own environmental impact. Every little bit helps.

Together, we can make a difference. Let's protect our planet for future generations.