Q: What is AllaQuix™?

A:  AllaQuix™ is a topical, active hemostatic, wound dressing.  AllaQuix™ is made from medical-grade chitosan.  AllaQuix™ is an effective way to stop bleeding fast, using the same technology as medical professionals.


Q: How does AllaQuix™ work?

A: AllaQuix™ is made from chitosan.  The surface-treated chitosan fibers adhere to a bleeding wound.  Once AllaQuix™ is on the wound, the positive charge of the chitosan fibers of AllaQuix™ attract red blood cells, which have a negative charge.  When the red blood cells bind to the AllaQuix™ pad, a seal over the wound and a tight, stable clot at the site of the wound are created.  This seal and clot at the wound control the bleeding.  AllaQuix™ effectively controls bleeding independent of the body’s clotting mechanism.


Q: What is chitosan?

A: Chitosan is a naturally occurring, biocompatible polysaccharide. Chitosan is derived from the shells of shellfish. Chitosan has a long history as an effective hemostat, with decades of use as a hemostat and dozens of published articles. Chitosan exhibits many beneficial properties in medicine including rapid control of bleeding and antimicrobial activity. Chitosan has been shown to stimulate wound healing.


Q: Who is AllaQuix™ for?

A:  AllaQuix™ is for everyone and anyone who wants to stop bleeding fast like the pros.  Because AllaQuix™ works independent of the body’s clotting mechanism, AllaQuix™ can be used by people on anti-coagulation therapy or blood thinners, people with bleeding and clotting disorders, such as von Willebrand’s syndrome, and people who are “bleeders”.


Q: Is AllaQuix™ approved by the FDA?

A: AllaQuix™ has been cleared by FDA for over-the-counter (OTC) use in the management of minor topical bleeding wounds such as minor abrasions and minor skin lacerations.


Q: How is AllaQuix™ different?

A: Chitosan hemostats have been widely used in the professional medical setting, including hundred of thousands of applications in the US military in combat.

AllaQuix™ is currently available in hemophilia treatment centers and leading universities across the U.S.

AllaQuix™ is what people want in a wound dressing. AllaQuix™ is easy-on/easy-off, and can be used with or without an adhesive.

AllaQuix™ effectively controls bleeding, even if the body has trouble controlling bleeding itself. AllaQuix™ does not cause irritation, burning or stinging at the site of the wound.

Our research shows that consumers prefer a wound dressing in the form of gauze. AllaQuix™ is soft and flexible, like gauze, yet offers effective bleeding control.

AllaQuix™ is an economical hemostat, as other chitosan-based hemostats can cost 3x to 4x as much as AllaQuix™.


Q: Are there contraindications?

A:  No.  There are no known contraindications.  AllaQuix™ can be used by everyone.


Q:  Can AllaQuix™ be used for children (pediatric patients)?

A:  Yes.  There are no age restrictions on the use of AllaQuix™.


Q: Can people with shellfish allergies use AllaQuix™?

A: AllaQuix™ is made from chitosan, which is derived from shellfish. Individuals with known shellfish allergies should exercise caution in the use of any product containing chitosan. A study was published in Military Medicine evaluating “Safety of Chitosan Bandages in Shellfish Allergic Patients.” The study concluded that all patients with a documented shellfish allergy tolerated the bandage without allergic reactions.


Q: What is AllaQuix™ for?

A: AllaQuix™ is for use in the management of minor topical bleeding wounds such as minor abrasions and minor skin lacerations.  AllaQuix™ is for everyone and anyone who wants to stop bleeding quick like the pros.


Q: Can anyone use AllaQuix™?

A:  There are no known contraindications for AllaQuix™ and there are no age restrictions.  Please note that AllaQuix™ is made from chitosan, which is derived from shellfish. Individuals with known shellfish allergies should exercise caution in the use of any product containing chitosan.


Q: Does AllaQuix™ work for people on blood thinners or on anticoagulants?

A: AllaQuix™ is for everyone and anyone who wants to stop bleeding fast like the pros.  Because AllaQuix™ works independent of the body’s clotting mechanism, AllaQuix™ can be used by people on anti-coagulation therapy or blood thinners, people with bleeding and clotting disorders, such as von Willebrand’s syndrome, and people who are “bleeders”.


Q: Can I leave AllaQuix™ in the wound?

A:  AllaQuix™ is for topical use only.  AllaQuix™ is not be used internally and is not to be left in a wound.


Q: How is AllaQuix™ removed?

A:  AllaQuix™ should be removed within 24 hours, but can be removed any time after bleeding has been controlled.


Q:  How fast does AllaQuix™ work?

A: AllaQuix™ works quickly to stop bleeding from minor, topical cuts.  The time to stop bleeding from a minor cut varies from person to person, and ranges from a few seconds to within a few minutes.


Q: How long does AllaQuix™ stay on?

A: AllaQuix™ should remain on the wound until bleeding is controlled.  Bleeding is usually controlled within a few minutes.  AllaQuix™ can remain on longer, but should be removed within 24 hours.


Q:  Is AllaQuix™ sterile?

A:  The final step in the post-packaging procedure is gamma irradiation to ensure a sterile chitosan pad.  Each pad is packaged individually and is sterile.


Q: How can my patients get more?

A: People can order AllaQuix™ at AllaQuix.com.  AllaQuix™ is also available on amazon.com.


Q: How does AllaQuix™ ship?

A: We ship all orders next business day by Priority Mail service, which gets the shipment to most locations in 2-3 business days.